IAR Citation Schedule of Fines
Articles may be supported by Standards of Practice (SOP)
Article 1
1st Offense
2nd Offense
3rd Offense
REALTORS® may represent the seller/landlord and buyer/tenant in the same transaction only after full disclosure to and with informed consent of both parties. (SOP 1-5)
Failure on the part of a listing broker to provide, as soon as practical, written affirmation that an offer was presented or written notification that the seller/landlord has waived the obligation to have the offer presented, upon written request of a cooperating broker submitting an offer.
(SOP 1-7)
Accessing or using, or allowing others to access or use, a property managed or listed on terms other than those authorized by the owner or seller. (SOP 1-16)
Article 3
Failure to disclose existence of dual or variable rate commissions. (SOP 3-4)
Failure to disclose existence of accepted offers to any broker seeking cooperation. (SOP 3-6)
Providing access to listed property on terms other than those established by the owner or the listing broker. (SOP 3-9)
Article 4
Failing to disclose REALTOR®’s ownership or other interest in writing to the purchaser or their representative.
Article 5
Providing professional services without disclosing REALTOR®’s present interest in property (limited to present interest, not contemplated)
Article 6
Accepting any commission, rebate, or profit on expenditures without client’s knowledge or consent.
Article 12
1st Offense
2nd Offense
3rd Offense
Failing to present a true picture in real estate communications, marketing, and advertising.
Failing to disclose status as real estate professional in advertising, marketing, and other real estate communications.
Representing brokerage services to a client or customer as free or available at no cost when the REALTOR® receives compensation from any source for those services. (SOP 12-1)
Advertising property for sale/lease without authority of owner or listing broker. (SOP 12-4)
Failing to disclose name of real estate firm in advertising in a readily apparent manner. (SOP 12-5)
Failing to disclose status as both owner/landlord and REALTOR® or licensee when advertising property in which REALTOR® has ownership interest. (SOP 12-6)
Falsely claiming to have “sold” property. (SOP 12-7)
Failure to disclose firm name and state of licensure on REALTOR® firm website. (SOP 12-9)
Misleading consumers through deceptive framing, manipulating content, deceptively diverting internet traffic, presenting other’s content without attribution or permission, or using misleading images. (SOP 12-10)
Registering or using of deceptive URL or domain name. (SOP 12-12)
Representing that the REALTOR® has a designation, certification, or other credential they are not entitled to use. (SOP 12-13)
Article 14
Failing to cooperate in a professional standards proceeding or investigation.
Article 16
Use of terms of an offer to modify listing broker’s offer of compensation. (SOP 16-16)
Placing for sale/lease sign on property without permission of seller/landlord. (SOP 16-19)
Note: Ethics Citation Panels may, at their discretion, also impose a training requirement in addition to, or as an alternative to, payment of a fine for any of the citable offenses.